EYC Mission Trips
Our Jr. EYC has been working hard this week, keep an eye out for the Pro O on June 16 for an exclusive look at what the Jr. EYC has done.
Our group of Sr. EYC students and their chaperones will depart from Texas to Belize at 8:00 a.m. this Sunday.
Please keep all of our students and their chaperones in your prayers. Their names are: Josie, Will, Averie, Caroline, Haley, Hadley, Sean, Marc, William, Henry, Jas, Sallie, Bill, Steve, and Laura.
Heavenly Father, through your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, you have given these your servants a heart for mission. We pray that by your Holy Spirit their eyes may be opened to see more clearly the work you would have them do, and grant them the means, grace, and courage to accomplish it; in Jesus’ Name we pray.