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Parish Survey

Parish Survey

Since the start of the survey over 100 parishioners completed the Parish Survey. Please take this opportunity to help determine All Saints’ future and let your voice be heard by taking the survey. This information is critical and will be used to help chart our course of action as we begin a search for a permanent Rector and make plans for new facilities.

The Parish Survey is available to take following both the 9:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. services in the Student Union, as well as at the White House during normal business hours. To be eligible to take the survey, you must be a confirmed member in good standing; at least 15 years old, a giver of record, and have attended at least 4 services in the last year. Please make this a priority. The survey should take between 20-25 minutes to complete and will remain open until Sunday, April 21. If you are unable to come to Sunday services or the church offices, please call and ask for a volunteer to bring a survey for you to complete.

Many thanks,

Parish Survey Committee: Bill Brammer, Cynthia Carroll, Steve Fleming, Claire Jones, John Kent, Suzanne Kent, Jeff Nichols, Richard Terrell, Suzanne Wood

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