A Marriage Blessed at
All Saints'
The Episcopal Church in Fort Worth
We rejoice with you in the news of your interest in marriage and your wish to have that marriage blessed at All Saints' The Episcopal Church in Fort Worth. All of us at All Saints' stand ready to assist you in making this one of the most beautiful and joyous events of your life.
Since the celebration and Blessing of a Marriage takes place within the Christian community and is first and foremost an act of worship and not a private service for the couple, it is important that those who wish to be married at All Saints' be active participants in our community.
Commitment is an integral aspect of Holy Matrimony. Studies show that those who are committed to God through worship and monetary support of a Christian community are better able to commit to each other and effect long, successful marriages.
All Saints' will officiate at marriages only when the couple demonstrate through their attendance and support such a commitment to God. This requirement underscores our deep concern for a caring, supportive, and pastoral relationship between the Church and the couple before, during, and after the wedding.
The canons of the Episcopal Church require that at least one of the two persons to be married shall have received Holy Baptism, and it is highly desirable that both parties be baptized, practicing Christians. Beyond that requirement, regular worship attendance and appropriate stewardship of time, talent, and treasure (included but not limited to the financial support of this parish) by the couple are important and required components in being married at All Saints' Episcopal Church.
If you would like to visit with us about a wedding, please contact Mthr. Hill for an appointment at mthhill@asecfw.org.
Wedding Preparation Documents
Contact All Saints' Staff If you have any questions.
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We're delighted that you'd like to become a member of All Saints' The Episcopal Church in Fort Worth. To join the parish, email Mthr. Hill, Assisting Priest, at mthhill@asecfw.org or call her at 817.732.1424
From local to national to international - we have a variety of resources available to you. You will also find all member resources here. And If you're looking for prayer assistance, we have resources for that too!