Godly Talk (Grades 3-5)

Sunday School
Utilizing the very best of the Montessori method, Godly Talk students step into new and complex sacred stories, take on responsibilities serving God and the Church, and build Christian community. Teachers guide students from wondering questions into open-ended discussions. In this class, students learn through games, in wonder, and from one another. This age group also enjoys two activities per month on Sunday evenings: one fun event and one service project. This Pre-EYC time helps the children build friendships which will sustain them into their adolescence.
South End of the Student Union
(nearest the playground)
10:10 a.m. - 11:05 a.m. during the academic year
1st Communion
1st Communion Classes
First Holy Communion instruction classes are held for pre-school and
elementary age children periodically during the school year.
For more information or to enroll your child contact Holly Luke: holly@asecfw.org
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The Episcopal Church in Fort Worth. To join the parish, email Mthr. Hill, Assisting Priest, at mthhill@asecfw.org or call her at 817.732.1424
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