A Musical GiftMar 4, 2021Dear All Saints’ Parishioners, Here is a little musical gift I hope you will enjoy. It is the anthem from last Sunday’s Evensong. I hope it brings you some joy and comfort. Fr. Jamborhttps://www.asecfw.org/a-musical-gift
Dear All Saints’ Parishioners, Here is a little musical gift I hope you will enjoy. It is the anthem from last Sunday’s Evensong. I hope it brings you some joy and comfort. Fr. Jamborhttps://www.asecfw.org/a-musical-gift
Baby Shower Celebrating Baby Bartkus!Please join us Saturday, February 15, for a baby shower to celebrate Dr. Traci and Fr. Zachary Bartkus! The shower will begin at 10:00...
Sunday Schedule: February 9, 2025The Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany 8:30 a.m. Nursery Opens 9:00 a.m. Choral Eucharist Rite II This service is held in the All Saints’...
ECW Community Crossroads Information Session Please join the Episcopal Church Women for an Educational Presentation by the Community Crossroads Outreach Center on Thursday, February...