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Christian Education for 2024-2025

Updated: Aug 25, 2024

Registration for Christian Education is open now!

Godly Play

What: Children enter into parables, silence, sacred stories, and liturgy in order to discover God, and the world around them.  Godly Play assumes that children have some experience of the mystery of the presence of God in their lives, but lack the language, permission, and understanding to express and enjoy that in our culture.  The teachers tell stories and ask “I wonder…” questions meant to guide the children on their spiritual journey and help them fall more deeply in love with God. 

Who: Ages 3 – 3rd Grade

Where: Ages 3-Kindergarten in the chapel classroom; grades 1-3 in the atrium

When: Sunday mornings 10:10 a.m. - 11:05 a.m.


Godly Talk / Pre EYC

What: Utilizing the very best of the Montessori method, Godly Talk students step into new and complex sacred stories, take on responsibilities serving God and his Church, and build Christian community. Teachers guide students from wondering questions into open-ended discussions. In this class, students learn through games, in wonder, and from one another. This age group also enjoys two activities per month on Sunday evenings: one fun event and one service project. This Pre-EYC time helps the children build friendships which will sustain them into their adolescence.

Who: 4th-5th Grade

Where: Pop-up classroom in the 6th grade commons

When: Sunday mornings 10:10 a.m. - 11:05 a.m. AND twice a month from 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.


Jr. EYC (Sunday School and Youth Group)

What: This curriculum guides students through their turbulent middle school years. Engaging with Holy Scripture, the Prayer Book, and our tradition, students develop their identity as Christians, Episcopalians, and servant leaders. The evening sessions begin with a meal and focus on fun, service, and building community. 

Who: 6th-8th Grade

Where: Student Union Classroom

When: Sunday mornings 10:10 a.m. to 11:05 a.m. AND 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. (immediately following Solemn Evensong)


Sr. EYC (Sunday School and Youth Group)

What: This curriculum is designed to give high schoolers the tools they need to develop a resilient, adult faith which will sustain them in college and beyond. The morning sessions focus on four key areas: Old Testament, New Testament, the Sacraments, and the Life of the Church. Youth are not given easy, pat answers. Instead, adult leaders guide teens in conversation about the complexities of scripture, community, and a life of faith. The evening sessions begin with a meal and focus on fun, service, and building community. 

Who: 9th – 12th Graders

Where: Student Union Classroom

When: Sunday mornings 10:10 a.m. to 11:05 a.m. AND 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. (immediately following Solemn Evensong).

Registration forms can be found at the back of the All Saints’ School Chapel, or can be found online by visiting here.

Questions? Contact Bailey Loewenstein at for help.

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