The Second Sunday of Advent
8:30 a.m. Nursery Opens
8:30 a.m. Annual Mission Market Help support our Outreach and Mission programs with our Annual World Mission Market, open today in the Student Union from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. Choral Eucharist Rite II
This service is held in the All Saints’ Chapel.
10:10 a.m. Sunday School Godly Play, Godly Talk, Jr. EYC, and Sr. EYC will have a combined session to hear the story of St. Nicholas of Myra. Keep your eye out for a very special visit from St. Nicholas himself!
11:15 a.m. Choral Eucharist Rite I
This service is held in the All Saints’ Chapel, and will be streamed live on our website, featuring the All Saints’ Choir.
5:00 p.m. Advent Lessons & Carols
Join us tonight in the All Saints’ School Chapel for a Festival of Lessons and Carols, featuring the All Saints’ Evensong Choir and our very own Organist and Choirmaster, Clive Driskill-Smith. Gather with us as we celebrate Advent with this beloved Anglican tradition. This service will be livestreamed on our website. Join us in the Student Union following Solemn Evensong for refreshments.
5:30 p.m. Jr. & Sr. EYC
Tonight, the EYC will celebrate Christmas with their annual Fancy Advent Party, with a holiday dinner and making Christmas bark! For the address, email Bailey Loewenstein at