Dear All,
Change in plans for this Sunday. Rather than the lawsuit, we will be talking about the person whom Bp. Andy Doyle has appointed to be the Priest-in-Charge (PIC) after my retirement.

I’m tickled pink to share with you that Mthr. Hill has been named as PIC and will start in that position on Jan. 1st. Mthr. Hill has been a part of All Saints’ for 20 years, the last 4 of which as an ordained minister. As a layman, she was involved in many areas of parish life, most notably serving in the liturgy on Sunday morning and in our Kenya mission. We discerned she had a vocation to the priesthood, and sent her to seminary at Yale. In 2020, Bp. Scott Mayer sent Mthr. Hill back home to serve at All Saints' as a priest on my staff. Since returning to All Saints', she has served in Outreach and Christian Education and as Vicar Precentor of the sacred liturgy.
Mthr. Hill has been formed by All Saints’ and both understands and appreciates our unique culture and catholic heritage. I know of no other priest in The Episcopal Church who loves All Saints’ and her parishioners more than Mthr. Hill. She will serve you well!

As our parish bylaws indicate, the Senior Warden, Stephanie Burk, will also have expanded responsibilities after my retirement. We will be talking about all of this at this Sunday’s Adult Forum.
Now, about the settlement. While we hoped to have a finalized agreement in place by the end of this week, the documentation of the settlement remains a work in progress, and the settlement is subject to approval by the bankruptcy court. I am told to expect approval of the settlement by mid-December. I’ll keep you all posted and let you know when I can provide more detail regarding the process for obtaining approval of the settlement.
Please do come this Sunday to hear more about the PIC and the transition process! Sunday, Nov. 12th, at 10:10 am in the Student Union Conference Room.
Fr. Jambor