All Saints' Episcopal Church
The Episcopal Church in Fort Worth
All Saints' is a community which welcomes you warmly, strengthens your faith, and invites into deeper relationship with our Lord.
Click here to view an archive of Sunday livestreams.

As a diverse but traditional parish of over seventeen hundred members, we think you'll find in All Saints' a community that welcomes you warmly, strengthens your faith, invites you to a deeper relationship with Our Lord, and challenges you to spiritual, emotional and intellectual growth.
Sunday Worship Schedule
9:00 am
10:10 am
11:15 am
5:00 pm
Choral Holy Eucharist (Rite II)
Christian Education: Children and Youth age 3 to Grade 12
Adult Forum
Choral Holy Eucharist (Rite I)
with the All Saints' Choir
This service is live streamed on our website.
Solemn Evensong (Rite I) - resumes September 8
This service is live streamed on our website
All Sunday worship services are held at All Saints' Chapel
at All Saints' Episcopal School
9700 Saints Circle.
Weekday Schedule
9:00 am
12:00 pm
4:45 pm
Morning Prayer (Rite I)
Monday through Friday at the Vida and Frances Staff Chapel at the Gray House
Also available on our podcast site
Holy Eucharist (Rite II) with Unction
Wednesdays at the Vida and Frances Staff Chapel at the Gray House
Evening Prayer (Rite I)
Monday through Friday at the Vida and Frances Staff Chapel at the Gray House
Also available on our podcast site.
All Saints’ nursery is professionally staffed by caring individuals certified in CPR and child care. We provide excellent child care during Worship Services and for other regular and special events through the year.
As a diverse but traditional parish of over seventeen hundred members, we think you'll find in All Saints' a community that welcomes you warmly, strengthens your faith, invites you to a deeper relationship with Our Lord, and challenges you to spiritual, emotional and intellectual growth.
