Easter Day includes the All Saints’ Easter Hoppening, a tradition that combines an Easter egg hunt with a delicious potluck luncheon. Please bring a side dish or salad of your choice to the potluck (meat and dessert will be provided). Many thanks to the Burk family, who are once again providing a variety of savory smoked meats, and to the Parish Life Commission, who are providing a spread of delicious desserts!
The Easter Bunny will be hoppin’ along to preside over our annual Easter Egg Hunt. He will be busy hiding Easter eggs on the Great Lawn during the 11:15 a.m. service. Watch for signs indicating which section of the lawn your child’s age group is assigned to search. Hidden among all the eggs will be 12 special eggs. After the children locate those, they should present them to Mthr. Hill following the hunt for a special blessing. At the conclusion of the Easter Egg Hunt, the “Alleluias” will be unearthed. Remember when we entombed them during Mardi Gras? On Easter Day, the Alleluias are released from the garden to come back to our worship!